Thinking about college is a very scary thing, especially when you are only going to be sixteen years old when you go. I am fourteen at the moment and a junior in high school. That thought just gives me chills because it does not feel like I should being leaving for college in a year and a half. Some other people at Kennedy are a grade ahead and I wonder how they feel about it? Some may like it and others may not.
For me, it is a wondrous thing, but at the same time, it is horrible. It is good because of the fact that it is challenging and you meet a lot of nice people along the way that gasp at the fact that you are so young. It is bad because you truly do not know very many people of the same age. Another bad thing would be that I play a sport, and probably will not be able to play division one soccer no matter how hard I work.
Being two grades ahead really did not take any time to get used to because being ahead at such a young age is often hard to remember. But trying to remember what it was like to be around people of the same age is frustrating because I cannot think of one time that I have had a class with someone younger than I am. Recently moving down to my own age group in soccer has helped me to make friends of my age and they are wonderful people to be around.
College has not hit fully yet but I know it will senior year. Not knowing where I want to go or what I want to do is terrifying, but hopefully it will get figured out soon or it could be too late. Vet school sounds pretty interesting, or being a teacher of some sort, but we will see where God takes things and that is all I have to worry about. (387 words)
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