Sunday, September 9, 2012


The crowds are loud, hundreds of people, cheering for the pride of their high school graduating class. All of the students are dressed up in green and gold and are ready to win the pep assembly. Pep assemblies are always fun because they are full of little games and competitions. Some students do not think pep assemblies are a big deal, but others go all out and paint their faces or dress crazy because it means a lot to them. The ones who usually take it the most serious are the freshman and the seniors because it is the freshman’s first year and the senior’s last year.
To get the full feeling of the crowd, just imagine that someone is screaming at the top of their lungs, and multiply how loud it is by fifteen hundred! Some of the competitions that they do are most green and gold, the best air guitar, the most colorful hair, and the class that can sing a song and dance the best. People get so into what they are doing, sometimes they do not even realize what they are doing. For example, the freshman class had someone go up on the court to do the air guitar. He did not even look like he was playing guitar he just looked like he was dancing awkwardly!
As you can see, people get really excited for pep assemblies but they are really fun. Although you may not win, just the fact that you tried is what really matters because it takes a lot of guts to do that. I hope students continue to have fun like all of the people have in the past!

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