Thursday, January 17, 2013

Contact Sports

                Walking down the noisy halls today was not the thing that I wanted to be doing this morning. Although it was dreadful, I did hear something come out of a student’s mouth that I really disagreed with. He said, “Football is the only contact sport out there.” I wanted to come up with something to say to him but I just could not say anything without sounding mean or rude, so I kept it to myself. This blog post is where my thoughts come out that I did not want to say out loud to the boy.

            First of all, football is a high contact sport. I agree that it is one of the most contact sport of them all, but other sports have a lot of contact as well. For example, in hockey, you skate around on ice and have people randomly shove you into walls for no particular reason. Also, when a player gets mad, they might just skate over to you and punch you in the face to get a fight started. I am not sure why the refs allow these players to fight because that is very dangerous. From a personal experience, I think that fist fighting in a hockey game should be banned. One day when I was little, my dad took me to a hockey game. A player decided that he was going to start a fight, and it happened less then fifteen feet away from me. I felt really bad for the poor guy who got his front teeth knocked out because his arm got caught in his jersey and he could not fight back. Just looking at that player made my teeth hurt.

            Another high contact sport would be soccer. I know that some people think that it is not a contact sport because all you do is run up and down a field trying to score goals. The truth is, is that yes at times it can be boring, but other times, it gets to be very physical. For example, my three brothers all play soccer, and for some weird reason, they all got really hurt in the same exact month. First, Gabe went up for a header in one of his games, and another player fell down on top of him. He wasn’t sure what happened, but he knew something was wrong. When he got x-rays, they told him that he had shattered his collar bone and could not play for at least two months. Two weeks later, Garet went in for a slide tackle in one of his games, and he had collided legs with a guy. He continued to play for a little while, until he could not stand the pain anymore. He later found out that he had broken his leg. Ian’s injury was not quite that badly, he just got hit and hurt his ankle pretty bad.

            Sports can all be dangerous, and be high contact, you may not realize it, but it is true. So before you go saying that football is the only contact sport out there, go do your research and you will find that other sports have a lot of contact too. (532 words)

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