Monday, January 21, 2013

Miss Representation

When watching the film Miss Representation, I realized that women are often portrayed as very sexual objects. This is why it is acceptable to wear revealing clothes in today's society. Growing up for kids is a lot different today as well because they are exposed to so much sexual media, that they begin to think that it is okay to look and act that way. I do not think that all women in media are used sexually, but the majority is and that is just not right.
On television, there are many girls that look perfect to the viewers that are watching, but is that really real? Well in some cases, it is, but in others, they use computers to make them look skinnier and make them look like an all around perfect girl. This causes people in reality to think that they are bad looking, and they starve themselves. Kids starving themselves is a very hard thing to picture because most of them are fine the way they are, and they should just be happy with who they are, but the media makes them feel like they have to do that.
Miss Representation was a good eye opener, and I really enjoyed watching it. I learn so many new things about the media. For example, in almost every single movie the women are not the protagonist and they are just there for a love story or there to be on a guys shoulder at all times. This is not how women should be portrayed because women are much more than that. some women are smart, good at sports, and all sorts of stuff. Just because females are pretty does not mean that they are only good at being attractive. The media should definitely change the roles of women in everything. (303 words)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I wish we had more movies with positive portrayals of leading female characters. Can you think of any? Maybe research this?

    Also, your mention of clothing make me think of the TED talk that Caroline Heldman did. (I posted it on the AP Lang course website in the TED post. Did you watch it?) You might remember that petition to stop the sale the padded bikinis for very young girls; it made national news on television and social media. I think it was Ambercrombie? That's in the video as an example about what consumers can do to affect change. Check it out if you haven't already. Other mainstream stores have been criticized for similar things also. Could be interesting research!
