Sunday, December 9, 2012


The feeling that I feel when fit snows for the first time is so joyful. It looks magical, soft, fluffy, and it makes you want to jump in a big pile of it! Is it just me or do others feel the same way? I think that snow makes Christmas ten times better. Maybe I just think that because I have grown up with snow for Christmas almost every year, but I think without it, it just would not feel like Christmas.
 When my brother were not in college we would all go outside and have a giant snowball fight, and of course, the girls were never good at them, so the boys would have to pick up our slack. Their was also this game called the fox and the goose that we would play but I can’t remember how to play it because it has been such a long time. All of the game that we would play made Christmas way more fun for me as a kid, and I will probably keep playing them with my family when they are home until I get old and I am not able to play them anymore.
When Christmas comes, all of the family traditions start and it is always a fun and amazing time. One of my family’s traditions is that watch the movie Scrooge on Christmas Eve right before we go to sleep. Another one is that we eat a Christmas Eve dinner with just our family and it has to include party potatoes and sparkling grape juice of course. These little things that we do that you would not think mean that much, actually make experiences more exciting and fun.
I hope that all families have little special things that they do, because I know I sure enjoy them. I will most likely pass them down to my kids later in life and my nephews and nieces. Christmas is all about family and without family traditions, it does not really feel like it is about family at all, and that is why I enjoy them very much. I also love spreading the Christmas cheer and singing Christmas songs all day long because I love seeing the smiles that I bring to other people’s faces. (378 words).     

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