Thursday, December 6, 2012

What Winter is All About

When fall comes, everyone raves about how pretty and beautiful all of the colors are. Yet, when winter comes, everyone’s emotions become different because the trees look brittle and cold. That is why I am here today to blog about how great the winter really is. To start off, I would like to say that snow is a main factor of the beauty of winter and without it, it just does not feel right.

Currently, the date is December 6th, 2012 and there is yet to have one single snowflake drop on the dark and dead grass. This is why this winter has not fully become winter yet. If it does not come by December 21st, I will be so disappointed. You see, having grown up in Iowa, you are so used to the cold freezing snow that covers your yard and house that not having it is unthinkable. I mean after all, who doesn’t like cuddling up inside with five blankets wrapped around while watching one of your favorite movies? I know I sure love it.

Winter is also a time to just go outside on a sunny day and play in the glittering snow. Some overlook how delicate and fluffy the snow actually is. One of my favorite things to do in the snow in just to sit in it, make snow angels, and just look deep into the snow. Earlier in life I realized that I think of the strangest things while looking at the snow. I see my dog running around trying to steal my nephew’s hat while he runs away screaming and laughing. I see my childhood, particularly my brothers and I making snowmen in the front yard so that everyone can see how awesome our creative snowman is. I see family from all around the United States, no matter how far away coming together, whether it is by phone, or in person. And lastly, I see myself, trying to kick a soccer ball in two feet of snow, when I know in the back of my mind that it is not going to work out very well.

Some people look at winter as such a horrible season, but to me, it means so much more than just snow and random ugly trees that have no leaves. It means that I get to spend time with the people and the things that I love the most in life, and I could not ask for anything more. (413 words).

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